Sunday, December 4, 2011

How do I get a statement for a credit card that is showing on my credit report?

There is a credit card showing on my credit report and I didn't know about this specific card. I have the name of the card, the card number and balance on this card. I want to know what it was used for. Can someone help me?|||I took a peak at the previous answers source......$895 for a simple credit repair!!! You gotta be kidding me!

OK, forget them. This is a simple fix, but you have to follow my instructions carefully.

If you are certain this is not your credit card, then either it was posted to your credit report in error, or you are the victim of Identity Theft. You need to assume the worst for now.

Visit鈥?/a> and start by doing some research.

You will first need to send the credit bureau a letter disputing this entry, and state that it is not your debt. Request that they place an identity theft flag on your account to prevent anyone else from obtaining credit in your name.

Next, send a letter to the credit card company (or whoever posted this to your credit report) stating this is not your account, and demand that they either validate this debt or remove it immediately from your credit report.

If they are going to insist this is your debt, then you will need to follow the ID Theft procedure. File a police report with your local police department, and get a copy of the report. Next, fill out an ID Theft affidavit (see the link I gave above) and have it notarized. Then send both to the creditor, along with your statement claiming this is not your debt. Unless they can prove this is your debt, they MUST remove this from your report and quit all collection activities. If they don't, you now have grounds to sue them for willful noncompliance with the Fair Debt Collections Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

For your homework tonight, read both of these laws (Yahoo them, easy to find). You can't fight these guys unless you know the game rules.

And remember, this is easy to just need to understand the law and know your rights. The collection agents know them by heart, and will fight you on it if you let them.

|||You seem to have all the information you need just go to their website and look up the account history.|||report to the party you got the report from, that you do not own this card and the account

Also it should be the phone # and the address on the report of the issuing company, contact them as well

I wish you luck and hope no one else opened this account for you.

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