If you open a credit card, but don't use it or don't carry a debt balance. I read the more inquiries on your credit score, the lower it goes. I found a deal where I can get free stuff through Discover card just by opening a new card.Thanks!|||Inquiries only cost you between 2-5 points and that is made up when the new account reports on your credit.
Considering that 30% of your score is based on your total debt to credit ratio having another card is a good idea because it will lower that ratio as long as you pay in full every month.
I have 3 cards including a Discover that I use every month for things I used to pay cash for. I always pay in full before the due date and last year they paid me almost $1,000.00 in cash back rewards for using their money for free.
It also has raised my credit score over 150-points in the last 24-months.|||Yes, your score goes down (at least 1 point) every time someone pulls your credit. If you don't use the card, it will not help your score. You score only gets better when you have balances on your credit and make timely payments. Your score can lower itself if your credit is at a stand-still (meaning everything is paid off).
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