Sunday, December 4, 2011

Applying for a credit card before or after NEW checking account?

I have a checking account already established with a credit card from the same bank. I am unhappy with the service I have received with them and I am planning to switch to another bank.

Before I close my current account, I would like to know should I start my new checking account with the new bank now and apply for a card when the account is established?

Or should I apply for a credit card now before I start the new account?

My concern is closing my current account and starting a new checking account with a new card would not look favorably for my credit. However, would starting the new checking account first make approval easier since I would have an account established with the new bank?|||Start with the checking first. Then you are a customer and they will love adding services.

Or when you go to your new bank, you can ask about a credit card while you are opening the checking and let them know you want to transfer everything over. That way they know you will be replacing a credit card instead of adding a new one, which can make a difference.

That's what I would recommend.|||go to it doesnt matter whether you do it now or after|||Opening and closing checking accounts has no bearing on your credit history or score.

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