I was just curious as to how credit card companies determine what your credit line will be once you are approved for a card, and if you get a higher limit will it look better for your credit?|||if you got higher limit that mean your credit rating is high. if you continue to spend using your credit card and pay the minimum monthly fee on time your credit rating will continue to rise. with higher credit rating you can easily apply to low interest credit card. so take advantage of building your credit rating using credit card. and don't forget to take advantage of the transfer balance 0% INTRO APR when the time comes.|||The credit card companies have good access to a wide ranging information about us. They already collect all the personal information such as name, age, address, phone numbers from us. While the vital financial details are acquired by the credit card company by accessing our credit reports. This information is very vital for the credit card companies and even more for us. How do the credit card companies use this information, and what more do they collect from our day to day activities. This article takes a look at all such things.
Whenever we make a purchase or borrow from our credit card the credit card companies gets the required information about the card, date of purchase, amount of purchase and place of purchase. It is good to have a receipt of every purchase one makes using his/her credit card since it is very useful to dispute any fraud claims. Read more from: http://www.credit-card-gallery.com/artic鈥?/a>|||they typically run your credit history and base it on that.|||yes, a higher limit is better for your credit because it lowers the 'debt / credit capacity' ratio, which is a factor in your credit score. just make sure not to abuse this increase!
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