Sunday, December 4, 2011

How to use my credit card instead of my checking account to send money via Paypal?

I have a Paypal account and I want to buy stuff on Ebay using credit card rather than my checking account. It seems that Paypal's default payment method is my checking account, but I want the to use my credit card instead. How can I choose?|||First make sure the credit card you wish to use is added to your paypal accout. If you only have a bank account in your paypal you can add a credit card by going to My Account, then to your profile, then under Financial Information you will be able to add a credit card. When you are paying for an auction, right before you check out and press the "pay" button, you can edit your payment details (there should be a link on the checkout page) and from there you can choose which card you wish to use. Hope that helps!|||Having a handful of helpful resource is always a good idea.try this one.|||When you go to pay, go slowly and scroll all the way down the pages. You will find the option to Use other method, then click on that and pick your credit card. PayPal would rather you use the direct transfer so they add a couple of extra steps for you to use your credit card but stay with it and answer that you want to use your credit card when you are asked.|||just choose "Other method of payment" or change your default settings in pay pal

Good luck!

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