I want a credit card. But everywhere I check its ages 18 and older. Isn't there one company that lets teenagers join? |||Look here. It helped me.
|||No. You must be 18. You don't "join" credit card companies - they are not clubs.|||No, there's not. You have to be 18 to enter a legal contract.|||none you need to be 18 age to get sued ..... you are a minor and cannot have credit sorry |||I found this awesome website and you can find more information,about your question,
Take your time to visit ,I hope this helps!
sources :
|||You can not enter into a contract until you are 18 years old.
A credit card is a contract. The company agrees to extend you a credit limit in exchange, you agree to abide by the terms and pay the bill.
If you have a checking account - you should be able to get a check card/debit card that can be used in the same places as a credit card. Of course, you have to have the money in the bank in order to use it. |||No. Credit cards are extended to those 18 and older with decent credit and income|||The last thing on this earth a 16 year old needs is a credit card. And be advised that "EVERYWHERE" you look is costing you precious FICO score points. Does Mom and Dad know you are out searching for credit? As them to put your name on one of theirs......didn't think so.
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