Sunday, December 4, 2011

What ways can you pay your credit card bill without being charged for anything?

I do not know much or anything about bank transfers. I am with Bank of America, I don't know if they charge for bank transfers, but many credit cards do.

I want to know what methods are the cheapest to pay your credit card bills and other tips that I should know about having a credit card.|||Pay your bill by check - they don't charge for that. Or by using your bank's online bill pay system.

Always pay your bill in full on time - that way you don't have any interest to pay. If you don't have the money to buy something - don't charge it. Wait until you can afford it. Buying on credit used to be called 'Buying on the never-never' in England. Because you never paid it off and therefore you never properly owned the item.

Credit cards can be very useful if used properly and carefully. Don't go into debt.

Good Luck!|||What do you mean by bank transfer? Do you have a BOA bank account and a BOA credit card? Then you can probably use the BOA online banking to transfer payment from your bank account to the credit card without a fee.

You can also use the online billpay from your bank to pay credit cards. Your bank online billpay is a great way to pay all your bills. You can schedule payments in advance and even set up auto pay for recurring bills. Yet you have complete control and can change or cancel payments up to a few days before the due date. No stamps, no evelopes, no hassle.|||Bank of America should let you pay your credit card statement at any location. So you could either just transfer the funds , write a check or pay by cash. Any of these should be free.

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