Sunday, December 4, 2011

What is the difference between a secured and unsecured credit card?

I want to go on a trip and rent a car and get a hotel room. I have a credit card but it is over it's limit and I applied for a credit card and got rejected. I don't know what a secured credit card is. Can a secured credit card be used the same as a normal one. Do you put money on it like a debit card? Any help will be helpful. Thank you.|||First pay down the card you have.

Yes s ecured card is simply that a credit card you secure with funds of your own. In certain cases the credit card company may offer you for a $250 deposit $500 to $1,000 in credit at the fantastic rate of $29.9% plus. These credit cards are rip offs and should be avoided like the plague that they are.

You have a credit card. Pay off some or all of your balance and then take your trip. Or better yet. pay off your credit card, save the money you need and then take your trip.

Good luck, I would stay away form any guaranteed card. The fees are high and the convenience is low.|||Yes, you have to put money down on the secured card, but I'm not sure how much. I think it can be used just like an unsecured card.|||A secured credit card is usually used for people that have questionable credit. One puts money down on the card, and their limit is the amount of money put down. It can be used as a normal card, but works somewhat like a debit; in the fact that you can't spend past your limit.

Be careful, as interest rates are atrocious with secure cards.

Good luck!|||A secured credit card is one where you put down a deposit, and that deposit will be the same as your credit limit until you pay the deposit back. Can't use it unless the money is in the account.|||a secured credit card is exactly as the name implies .........secured by funds that you have in a bank account .

cheers !

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